Can a beneficiary disclaim or renounce their family trust entitlement? Each financial year your Family Trust gets an income. It may be from passively renting out property. It may be from operating your business. Someone has to pay tax on that income. Every year you...
Financial Planners operate out of a company. But is it wise? Directors make mistakes. ASIC punishes them. Fair enough. However, the court goes further when Financial Planners operate out of a company structure. Because Storm Financial held an Australian Financial...
Stephen Campbell v Qube Ports [2017] FWC 1211 Stephen Campbell is a wharfie. His job is driving a big crane. He called his boss a ‘pig’ on Facebook. He also damaged a ship. It was not enough to sack him. He claimed unfair dismissal. According to the Fair Work...
Capital Gains Tax on dead people’s jewellery – CGT death duty on a wedding ring Sometimes people put a Specific Gift in their Will. For example, ‘my wedding ring to my daughter’. The result? CGT death duty on that wedding ring. At death, your Will...
[smartslider3 slider=2] CGT Family Home – that does not seem fair Death and Probate Duties were abolished by 1981. However, in 1985 the Federal Government introduced Capital Gains Tax. CGT earns the Government more money on deceased estates in a single...