Australian Law firm providing legal documents online

Welcome to Legal Consolidated Barristers & Solicitors


Who owns the Legal Consolidated login details?

Accountants, financial planners, and lawyers open free accounts with us, allowing each practice to build thousands of documents for their clients over many years. When it comes time to transfer, sell, or list their practice publicly, the new owners will require access to the Legal Consolidated login details. The login details hold value.

The ownership of the account is determined by who controls the domain name associated with the practice’s email address. Therefore, if an employee or co-owner departs your practice, the individual or practice that retains control over the domain name continues to control the Legal Consolidated account.

Our duty is to the court firstLegal Consolidated terms

As an Australian law firm, we are officers of the court. Our first and foremost duty is to the court. It outweighs any obligation that we have to our clients. While we have an ethical responsibility to act in our client’s best interests, acting in our client’s best interests does not mean ever putting our ethical duty to the court second.

Legal Consolidated’s first duty is to the court if there is a conflict of interest

Our most important duty is to the court and the administration of justice. This means that if acting in your best interests conflicts with our duty to the court, we must and will always put the court before you. Further, we are respectful to other people involved in any court case, the lawyer or the ‘other side’, including court staff.

We can not act for you if there is a conflict of interest. We only have one master.

Lawyers have a duty of care to look after their clients’ interests. The Legal Profession (Solicitors’ Conduct) Rules 2020 include rules about how conflicts of this duty must be managed. We cannot act for you or the other person if there is a conflict of interest. We can only serve one interest. If those interests are not aligned, we no longer act for you. An example of a conflict of interest is when you tell us a secret and tell us not to tell the other person we act for.

Legal Consolidated may form the view that we have a potential rather than an actual conflict of interest. In that event, we will stop acting for you. You may believe that we do not have a conflict. But this is a decision that Legal Consolidated will make. We are a conservative law firm, taking our higher duties to the court seriously.

When do we stop acting for a client?

We will not act for you if you fail to give us instructions or if your actions may violate the law. Our duty is first to the courts and judicial system.

Can I buy a template over the Internet and change it in MS Word?

It is illegal for an accountant or financial planner to update or change a legal document in MS Word.

See Legal Practice Board v Computer Accounting and Tax Pty Ltd [2007] WASC 184.

In this case, the accountant purchased a trust deed template. The trust deed came from a law firm. However, the accountant populated the template in MS Word. This is with the client’s name and address.

The court held that the accounting firm was breaching the relevant legislation. It is not a law firm and cannot prepare legal documents.

Further, neither the accountant nor the client had legal professional indemnity insurance. If anything went wrong with the legal document then there is no insurance. The accountant’s insurance does not cover the provision of legal advice.

This is why all Legal Consolidated documents are delivered to you as a PDF. We give you a voucher to update the document on our website if they need updating. We control the questions, hints, logic flow and the finished legal document. We provide a letter addressed to the client (not the accountant or financial planner) to confirm that Legal Consolidated prepared the document. Legal Consolidated is responsible for the document.

Even when the non-lawyer states that they are not lawyers, that is not good enough: Legal Services Commissioner v Raghoobar [2023] QSC 41. Only a law firm can provide legal advice and prepare deeds.

I ‘found’ a Division 7A Loan Agreement in MS Word

Division 7A is the third highest area of negligence claims against accountants.

I am gobsmacked as to why an accounting house takes the risk of providing legal documents to clients.

If an accountant populates a Word document, then the accountant is liable for the legal document. That is breaking the law. And the accounting house has no insurance to cover problems with that legal document. See Legal Practice Board v Computer Accounting and Tax Pty Ltd [2007] WASC 184.

Instead, build a Division 7A Loan Deed on our law firm’s website. As an Australian law firm, Legal Consolidated is then responsible for the deed. All our documents are provided:

  • As a PDF
  • With a cover letter addressed to your client. It confirms that Legal Consolidated prepared the legal document.

Lawyers building legal documents on Legal Consolidated’s website

Q: You are the only law firm in Australia that provides all 16 POAs. This is right across Australia.

  1. Can I change the POAs to suit my client’s requirements?
  2. I am a lawyer. I am concerned about your comment that “your client becomes our client, and there is a direct relationship”, etc. What does this mean? I would not want you to steal my client.

A: The three biggest builders of legal documents on our law firm’s website are lawyers, accountants and financial planners.

We are honoured that fellow lawyers build legal documents on our website. Thank you.

As I write this answer to your question, a lawyer in Port Macquarie telephoned me. This is about updating a Family Trust deed for his client. This is on our law firm’s website. He is a commercial/family lawyer. Just as Legal Consolidated has no skill or knowledge of those areas of practice, so too that lawyer does not want to engage in trust law. It is hardly worth his effort. He only needs a Family Trust deed and updates a couple of times a month.

Now, as a lawyer, I know, because we are anal retentive, and we have to be, that lawyers like to continually change their documents. Let me say two things:

        1. The online building process has two purposes:
          • Firstly, to educate. There are many hints and training videos for each question.
          • Secondly, to build a document suitable for the client’s needs. This is based on how the questions are answered. Legal Consolidated remains responsible for that document.

            Press the Lock and Build button and pay for the document with your credit card. As a PDF, the finished document is emailed to you within 60 seconds. We do not want you to change the document. If the document is unsuitable, just email us a voucher to update it. This is using the same question-and-answer routine.

            Thank you for your kind comments about Legal Consolidated being the only law firm in Australia to provide POAs, online, in all 8 Australian jurisdictions. Now, remember, each POA is peculiar. In Tasmania both the enduring and medical have to be registered to be effective. That is not the case in NSW. In Western Australia, an enduring POA cannot be lodged at the title’s office unless it is printed back to back (duplex). You are paying Legal Consolidated because of its expertise and knowledge. It is best not to change anything other than the questions-and-answer building process changes.

            Try the free building process. It is educational. We provide a full refund if the document is still not what you want. This is back to the credit card you used.

        2. Our promise to be responsible for the document can only be achieved if we act directly for your client.
          When a law firm provides a document to a marketing company that sells legal documents online, the lawyer who created the template is no longer responsible for the document. ‘Second-hand’ legal documents have no insurance on them.

          An Australian law firm is not responsible for templates resold by these ‘marketing companies’. Even though these ‘marketing companies’ give the impression they are law firms themselves.

          I cannot understand why lawyers, accountants and financial planners would build legal documents on ‘marketing’ (non-law firm) websites. They and their clients are not protected.

Anyway, on the last page of the building process, you can tick a box to remove the “Legal Consolidated” logos etc… Only do this if you are a lawyer. We have no contact with your client. 

Remove Legal Cosnolidateds livery from the legal document

While you can build over 380 different documents with us, the most commonly built documents by advisers and accountants are:

3-Generation Testamentary Trust Wills

Family Trust updates

Secret Trusts

SMSF special purpose companies

Unit Holders Agreement

Employment Contract

Commercial lease

Our law firm’s retainer

Click this link to view our Retainer

Our law firm’s Privacy Policy

Click this link to view our Privacy Policy

Use of Legal Consolidated’s online legal document service Law firm providing legal documents online

  1. All legal documents you build on our law firm’s website are subject to the Terms of Service.
  2. Legal Consolidated Barristers & Solicitors is an Australian law firm.
  3. We do not give advice as to which document is best for you. The building process of our documents is educational and empowering, but for help deciding which document you need, speak with your lawyer, accountant and financial planner. Otherwise, you may incorrectly interpret or misunderstand a question and, therefore, end up with a document that is wrong or will not work. We do not give legal advice. 
  4. A document’s legal, commercial, and taxation effects vary depending on your situation. Speak to your lawyer, accountant, and financial planner, as we do not know your personal circumstances. 
  5. Only you know the purpose for which you intend to use a document you build: Our law firm is not responsible for your choice of the document.
  6. Legal Consolidated operates only in Australia. We do not give advice on matters that do not relate to Australia and are outside the Australian jurisdiction. We do not know matters outside of Australia.

Do not alter or amend the legal documents that you build on our law firm’s website

You agree not to distribute any of our information or documents.

You agree not to alter any part of the documents. If you do, we are no longer responsible for the document, which will likely no longer work correctly.

If you need to change the document, then telephone us. 

Legal Consolidated 100% Full Refund Policy

You get a full refund, upon request, for any documents you do not wish to use other than when you incorporate a company.

Referencing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

  • Capitalisation:

    • Always capitalise “Aboriginal” and “Torres Strait Islander” when referring to these peoples.
  • Terminology:

    • Use “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples” to acknowledge the existence of over 500 nations and 800 language dialects.
    • When referring to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, the term “Indigenous” may be used; however, the “I” must be capitalised. (A lower-case “indigenous” refers to all other indigenous peoples worldwide.)


  • Using “Indigenous”:

    • If you use “Indigenous”, clearly stipulate that in this context it refers specifically to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, since the term is widely used in other countries.
  • First Nations Peoples:

    • The term “First Nations peoples” is currently debated but is not necessarily inappropriate. Alternatively, “first nations” (not capitalised) may be used when referring to first nations across Australia.
  • Distinctions:

    • There is a difference between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. When referring to both, use “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples”. When referring to one group, use either “Aboriginal peoples” or “Torres Strait Islander peoples”.
    • Individuals may identify as both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
  • Alternatives:
    As an alternative to “Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples”, you may refer directly to:

    • Mob/s
    • Country or nation/s
    • The traditional name of the person or group (e.g. “Nyungar/Koori person”)
    • Kinship name/s
    • Language group/s, if applicable
    • “Aboriginal communities”
      Note: All of the above should be capitalised.

Inappropriate Language

  • Abbreviations:

    • Do not use “ATSI” as an abbreviation for “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples”. Always use the full term.
    • Avoid any other abbreviations of “Aboriginal” and/or “Torres Strait Islander”.
  • Outdated Terms:

    • Terms such as “Aborigine”, “Natives”, and “Blacks” may appear in older legislation or resources, but are considered offensive. These terms may be quoted if necessary but must always be enclosed in quotation marks and not used excessively or without clear reason.
    • Avoid using “Aboriginals”; instead, use “Aboriginal peoples”. The term “Aboriginal” should not be used as a noun.
  • Other Language:

    • Do not refer to any Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person using any form of blood-quantum language.
    • Be mindful of other racially inappropriate or offensive language not listed here.

Further Considerations

  • Avoid language that may perpetuate deficit discourse.
  • Do not refer to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander populations or groups as “them” or “they”, as this creates an unnecessary separation between “us” and “them” and is exclusionary.
  • If you are uncertain whether a term is appropriate, consult available online resources for guidance. This is an excellent opportunity for self-education or to reach out to knowledgeable sources.

Recommended Resources

You hold us harmless and indemnify us

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Legal Consolidated, its parent corporation, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and licensors from and against any claims, actions, proceedings, investigations, demands, suits, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities, including legal fees and expenses, arising out of or related to your use of and access to the services, any violation of this agreement by you, or any other actions connected with your use of the services. This indemnity shall include, but not be limited to, any claims alleging facts that, if true, would constitute a breach of your representations, warranties, or obligations hereunder.

Please telephone for help building our online legal documentsfree sample with law firm cover letter

We do not know your individual circumstances, and therefore, we do not give advice on which document is best to build.
To learn what a document does, start building it. Work through the questions and answers, read the hints, and watch the training videos. The building process is free.
We add a new hint if we are asked a new question. So, most clients find their answers in the building process.
Also, view the free sample. It includes the law firm’s cover letter.