Do you allow employees to have intimate liaisons during or after work? Where do you stand on fighting and bullying? To discourage such behaviour, the Employment Contract must allow for Policies, such as an Employee Relations Policy. Our Employment Contracts allows you...
If you thought the family court was just about done getting its clutches into mum and dad, think again. In this case, the Family Court looked at the dead father’s Will. Advisers and accountants in Estate Planning must also consider where the parent’s money goes....
[smartslider3 slider=2] After your client dies, how does the accountant activate a Testamentary Trust? Taxing Testamentary Trusts Your deceased client may have had the foresight to provide their beneficiaries with the option of putting the inheritance into...
Division 7A vs Family Court – an unholy alliance against your private company Divorce is exhausting. Disentangling from your spouse’s financial affairs is traumatic. If you are lucky you grab your money and run. Unfortunately, that’s not the end of it. Div 7A...
Flexibility and control over your Employees – using Workplace Policies Labour laws are skewed in favour of the Employee. How can Employers retain control? The Employer often relies on a number of Workplace Policies. Workplace Policies are rules for Employees....