Can Family Trusts override the Family Court?

Family Trust v Family Court As tax lawyers, Legal Consolidated structures clients’ affairs to legally reduce tax burdens. We are also asked to: consider asset protection if you or your business goes bankrupt or insolvent draft 3-Generation Testamentary Trust...

Abandon a gift in a Will to keep the pension?

Abandon a gift in a Will to keep the pension? The Financial Planner carefully structures Mary’s affairs. Mary receives a $1 pension and a Concession Card. But then, Mary’s mother dies. Mum’s Will leaves everything to Mary. The inheritance costs Mary her $1 pension and...

Are Family Trusts replacing Self-Managed Super funds?

Are Family Trusts replacing Self-Managed Super funds? We are seeing a renewed interest from professionals for Family Trusts. Family Trusts built on our website have surged 38% in the last 12 weeks. Conversely, SMSFs have dropped by 23%. On speaking with professionals...

Charity v Son – Dad’s Will challenged

  Charity v Son – Dad’s Will challenged Dead Zopito Di Cesare left everything to charity. His son, Ivano Ferrante files a Supreme Court writ against the charities.  Usually, a son argues that he was not getting enough out of his Dad’s Will and asks the court to...

Stop your Will being challenged with a Considered Person Clause

  Who can challenge a Will with a considered person clause? Each state’s Family Provision Act sets out who can challenge a Will Courts are reluctant to interfere with your Will. However, legislation exists in all Australian States and Territories: New South...

How to remove evil and dead Trustees from your SMSF

Removing Trustees and Members from your SMSF   There are compelling reasons to share your Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) with others, such as your spouse, children, in-laws, and business partners. Given that SMSFs can be costly to manage, distributing the...