Nicknames and alias names in Wills Wife still uses her maiden name. How do I deal with alias names in a Will? Q: As an accountant, I am completing the data entry for their Estate Planning bundle. She is legally married. But still goes by her maiden name. She...
Disaster Clauses in Wills Q: What happens if we both die and all our children die with us? A: You have young children who travel with you. The car rolls over and you and your spouse, together with your children all die together. When you have young children select...
Lost tax benefits when leaving Gifts to Charities Specific Gifts are problematic more so when you include charities in your Will. Rather than making a Specific Gift in your Will, consider making the charity a Residuary Beneficiary: leaving the rental property...
What is the difference between an executor and a guardian? Executor: In a Will, the ‘executor’ carries out the instructions in your Will. The executor administers your estate. The executor sets up the appropriate trusts. Guardian: A guardian looks after...
Should I put Specific Gifts in my Will? Your Will needs to be clear and legally enforceable. Specific gifts in a Will add complexity and tax issues. What are Specific Gifts in Wills? Specific Gifts are gifts of a particular item of property to a specific...
Business owners, company directors, and professionals like dentists and engineers face financial risks due to their work and responsibilities. Their vulnerability to bankruptcy is heightened by exposure to liability, unpredictable market conditions, and the risks of...